Coco Coir Logs

Coir logs are made of interwoven coconut fibers that are bound together with biodegradable netting. Coir logs come in various lengths and diameters. Standard design of the coir log features strong, coir twine outer netting that surrounds a mixture of mattress coconut coir. The coir logs are widely used in stream banks, wetlands and uplands. They provide initial physical protection to the site while vegetation becomes established and natural protection takes over. The logs act as a substrate for plant growth once the log decay process starts and protects native and newly installed plants growing adjacent to the log. Logs are designed with a typical lifespan of anywhere from 2 to 5 years. Coconut Coir Logs are a completely biodegradable erosion control option for hills, banks; Coir Logs are ideal for constructing check structures, managing changes in stream flow velocity, shaping channels and stabilizing shorelines, and other erosion prone areas. Easy to place, use, and install, these logs create a natural control area that helps establish growth and control erosion. Logs have been effectively used in restoration projects, slope and channel stabilization, stream and river bank stabilization, wetland construction, dams, detention ponds, highway and rail embankments, mining operations and landfills, ski slopes and ski lift tracks, pipelines, high altitude planting reservoirs and construction job sites.

Coir Logs are utilized in variety applications including stream bank restoration and bio-engineering. Constructed completely of bio-degradable materials, coir logs provide unique advantages as a sediment control product. Coir logs are available in varying densities, diameters and lengths to suit project requirements. Made from the bristle coconut fiber, coir erosion control logs are a natural way to provide river bank protection. Coir is an extremely durable, 100% natural fiber often used for erosion control. Coir Logs are often used within water courses to provide immediate erosion protection to vulnerable river channel banks that are suffering erosion and undermining. They are often used in situations where remedial works have been carried out and when vegetation has been lost on the river banks. They are highly effective in reducing water velocity at the base of slopes, shorelines, and stream banks. They are used for controlling dry slope erosion and establishing wetland edges and stream channel banks. Coir fiber rolls can be placed directly on the bank, often retaining fill material or securing new channel alignment. Standing Water: Coconut coir logs are placed offshore to break waves and encourage sedimentation and re-vegetation.

Coir logs can be easily joined together to form your desired coir log length. This allows you to place the coir log along your entire river bank to provide a constant barrier and shoreline erosion control wall. The coir erosion control log is designed to hold up against flowing water for bank stabilization. This means that it can be easily placed along stream banks or rivers without wearing down too quickly. Long-Lasting Coir logs are designed with a densely packed interior that provides long-lasting support for your location. This helps create a firm support system for building up banks and shores for extended control against erosion.