Geo Textiles

Geotextiles made entirely of pure coir fiber. Coir is a 100% natural fiber, from a renewable source the coconut husk. Made from coir fiber, they are naturally resistant to rot and molds and is cheaper than synthetic geo-textiles. Coir geo-textiles are hard and strong and blend well with soil. It needs no chemical treatment. Coir geotextiles are best for controlling soil erosion and conditioning soil. They have the right strength and durability to protect the slopes from erosion, while allowing vegetation to flourish. Coir Geotextiles protect land surface and promote quick vegetation. Geotextiles are a wonderful treasure of natural echo friendly, erosion control blankets in woven and non-woven preparations. Totally biodegradable, geotextiles help soil stabilization and renew vegetation in varying slopes. It can be used in the form of a vegetated cover to prevent soil erosion and helps to accelerate the growth of vegetation on banks and slopes. They hold soil in place and prevent erosion, dissipating the force of heavy rains and run of water. It provides good soil support for years, allowing natural vegetation to become established. Coir geo textiles promote the growth of new vegetation by absorbing water and preventing the topsoil from drying out. As it has strength and durability, it protects slopes and help natural vegetation to take root. Coir geo textiles are available as woven, non-woven knitted structure of natural textile fiber used in various geo technical, civil engineering and soil conservation applications. They have varying densities depending on their application. Over a period of time the eco-friendly and biodegradable coir disintegrates completely, leaving only humus. Prevent soil erosion. It promotes faster binding of soil and excellent air and water permeability. And it is cost effective and easy to install and maintain. Geo textiles promote natural vegetation and 100 % biodegradable and environment friendly.

Biodegradable geotextiles are used for slope stabilization and protection of stream banks, shorelines and wetlands. Constructed from coconut fibers, our erosion control solutions provide natural support systems until vegetation is able to take root. The selection of geotextile for a particular slope depends upon the type of slope, soil condition and vegetation. If the slope is steep, the mesh size will be closer. The decorticated fiber/bristle fiber spun on machines can also be woven as geotextiles. Coconut fibers are known for their high strength and biodegradable nature, making them a favorite for wetlands, protected areas, and shorelines. Coir is the ideal choice for a geotextile material. They are made from exceptionally high strength woven coir fiber twine. These erosion control mattings are designed using coir fiber materials to create a strong mat for stabilization and erosion control along banks, slopes, hillsides, and streams. Designed to be strong and durable in their construction, these erosion mats are made from 100% machine-spun coir twines for effective erosion control in all locations. Geotextiles reduce soil erosion by holding the soil together. Mats are semi-permanent and offer a lifespan of approximately 4-6 years. Geotextiles decompose and fit into the natural ecological cycle, leaving a flourishing, healthy natural vegetative barrier against further erosion problems. And by the time the product degrades it converts itself in to humus, which enriches the soil.

Experimental studies conducted have proved that while cotton and jute degrades within 6 months coir retains its 20% strength even after one year. Other advantages of coir are: It is 100% natural. It is biodegradable; still last minimum for 2 seasons. It provides excellent micro climate for plant establishment and growth. It is a faster binding of soil and has excellent air and water permeability. It holds the seeds and saplings vegetation and degrades owes a period of time. It’s an Eco friendly and non- polluting. Promote water course protection including stream ban protection.

This particular erosion control mat has an open weave design with .75” x .75” openings. These openings allow you to reseed before and after installation, as well as allow for planting plugs to be installed. 100% natural and biodegradable, there are no synthetic materials present in this blanket.